Vinyl database


nummer_id plaat artiest nummer status adddate moddate deldate
920HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemTake your pants2200705031313200805101613000000000000
1234HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemThis is where it stops2200705031313200805101613000000000000
697HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemD-Day after2200705031313200805101613000000000000
1235HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemD-Day after (remix)2200705031313200805101613000000000000
698HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemPowerplug2200705031313200805101613000000000000
824HHS 002The Plague vs. Scum of HaarlemSkreemz2200705031313200805101613000000000000
Aantal: 6